I don't listen to that many podcasts and I don't listen to any gaming ones at the moment.
I do listen to Personality Hacker, which is about Myers Briggs, the Enneagram, and so on (recently been touching more on Jung's actual writing because they've been talking with a chap who's just finished his own interpretation of the cognitive functions that Jung talked about).
Whore School, which is "adult sex education" and often goes into the science and psychology of why we do stuff - I think the last episode was about the myth of the alpha male and how the term came to be coined, and the actual studies into wolves that eventually disproved the idea.
I listen to the BBC Comedy ones, if there's something worth listening to there, Thinking Allowed (again a Beeb one),
I do have Critical Role to listen to - but haven't started yet, and some World of Darkness ones (which again I haven't started listening to). I'll be adding First Age's podcast to that list and making more of an effort to actually listen to them. (I want to start podcasting too, and was wondering about doing something on Changeling, Wraith, and maybe Demon as the sort of underdogs of the World of Darkness in terms of their popularity at the time).
I want to do some writing set in Byzantium (essentially, I want to collide Harry Dresden and Marcus Didius Falco and write investigative urban fantasy novels set in Byzantium), and I'll be checking out that history podcast for more info in addition to the plethora of books I have to read on the subject.