And my Alien investment ends too this year with this arrival for "
building better worlds". So only Blade Runner remains an active purchase from Fria Ligan heading into 2024.
Cubicle7 still owes me "Vow of Absolution" so I can only close the Wrath and Glory chapter next year.
OFF TOPIC 2d20 instead of splurging follows:
Yes, the first 2d20 game by Jay Little, the titular
Mutant Chronicles 3e got a lot of hate elsewhere, and even negativity from some people here, because it was the original raw 2d20 with a poorly written and poorly indexed rulebook. The most beloved 2d20 was and remains
Star Trek Adventures because it was more streamlined (no hit locations, one damage track) plus many Trekkies were willing to give it a shot just to play a new Star Trek RPGs. But the LCARS dark pages colour scheme did get hate from people here too, but that is a layout hate not rules hate.
Conan got a lot of
Robert E. Howard fans because in the early days Modiphius was committed to superb lore and art for Conan before the last books got polluted by white-washing censorship types. This censorship killed any windfall sales for
John Carter of Mars for those collectors who wanted an art book to admire Dejah Thoris as seen in multiple artworks by renowned artists Michaell Whelan (my favourite), Joe Jusko, and legendary Frank Frazetta, and even comics covers of J. Scott Campbell and Jay Anacleto (I am skipping the soft porn artists). Knowing your audience is key.