#RPGaDay2024 - 2 - Most Recently Played


Staff member
The RPGaDay2024 graphic. Three columns of prompts for discussions about RPGs. You can find a full text list atP https://www.autocratik.com/2024/07/announcing-rpgaday2024-for-august.html
This year's RPGaDay (full text list here)

Q. Most Recently Played?
A. Trail of Cthulhu, Eternal Lies

Over the last three years I've had the privilege of playing through "Eternal Lies" for Trail of Cthulhu with Dr Mitch and Rich. We're playing it as a duo, which Dr Mitch's Antiques specialist Benjamin travelling globally with my character, Lotte, a journalist. It's intense, and there is nowhere to hide with two people. We both know each other's characters well, and are fans of them.

This week, a situation arose where both characters were nearly killed in a brutal attempt at robbery. Both of us were thinking 'Oh no, not like this'. There's a lot invested in the story and the characters and I recognise that they may not make it to the end of the journey. We have deliberately left breadcrumbs so others can take up the fight if we fail.

Rich's gamesmastering is superb, and he's delivered one of the most intense and enjoyable roleplaying experiences that I've ever had. I sometimes find that I get more out of games when most of the players are GMs as well; perhaps that's because you end up more sensitive to what the GM is trying to achieve and lean into it?

Gumshoe works like a dream in this campaign.

2 August 2024

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Star Wars (the 5th ed fan version)
The first session of a campaign. Still finding my way around the system, and coming to the conclusion that most of the PCs can't find their bum with both hands and a map. Might have helped if the GM had mentioned everyone needed Perception and Investigate skills BEFORE we'd done character generation...!

I'm the world's most useless thief because I thought lockpicking etc came off Dex, but in Star Wars it all comes off Int. Because. Electronic locks. And Because. No. Lockpick. Skill.
Age of Arthur 2e

I got to run my first playtest of the new version of Age of Arthur (on Role VTT), which proved successful and really useful to further hone the mechanics of the game.

For reasons, I have been hit by a bad bout of GM anxiety, and seem to have lost confidence in my ability to run a game. So, it was almost with resignation that I rocked up to run the game. I streamed it to YouTube (but not making it public) to test technology a bit more for potential future games. In addition to my general loss of confidence, I found my speech faltering and not especially dynamic. That was useful and something that I feel able to work on.

Anxiety withstanding, I'm looking forward to trying the game a lot more over the year.
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I was at Belladrum Music Festival up by Inverness last weekend, along with some other plucky volunteers, showing youngsters, teenagers, and adults how to play RPGs (mostly D&D, though I did manage to run a wee game of the Marvel Super Hero Adventure Game). On the last evening, we played a bit of D&D, so, er, that's my most recent game played. Sorry, I wish I could claim something a bit more niche!
Ran a game of HOSTILE using the modernised version of classic Traveller adventure Death Station. Part of an occasional campaign, we usually aim to play once a month.
DAY 2: Most recently played

I am very lucky in that for the past few months I've been playing in a campaign where the GM is using one of my game designs - Polar Fudge Adventures. You kind of bank on your friends tolerating playing your homebrew hacks duing the play test phase; you don't really expect them to voluntary adopt the system afterwards for the games they run!
Ah! I can answer this, Doctor Who, Adventures in Time and Heaton, 2e.
Tuesday before last, my house. Holiday camp adventure in 1953. Tattifalarious.