Other Games Recommendations for family boardgame


The Guvnor
Staff member
Daughter in law asked for suggestions for new boardgame.

They seem to like light word based games, and are very competitive.

I can lend them Forbidden Island to see if they can do co-op.

But ideas, folks?
You could also try Pandemic for another co-op. I’d also recommend Kingdom Builder and Bohnanza, both have a great deal of replay value.
Thanks @Maddz . I will try them on my copy of Pandemic one day: but not risk it as a purchase. Bohnanza is a very nice idea.
Port Royal works well with my family, but it's a card game.

Machi Koro is a perennial favourite amongst the kids. Again mainly a card game though.

Have you tried Carcassonne with them? The Star Wars version landed well at home.
Very light on rules, but I can see it getting intense on strategy Hey That's My Fish!
My 8 year old niece likes Labyrinth, very simple play but you need good spatial awarness. I think there's various themed versions available too e.g. Harry Potter.
Port Royal works well with my family, but it's a card game.

Machi Koro is a perennial favourite amongst the kids. Again mainly a card game though.

Have you tried Carcassonne with them? The Star Wars version landed well at home.
I really must get Port Royal
If they like word based games, then try Braggart. A funny card game of boasting how heroic you are and calling each other a liar.

Or Waggle Dance - bees compete for nectar to make honey. It only takes 4 players though. You don't say how many kids there are.
Yes my wife hates that bit of it. I just think it's funny when all of your carefully crafted plans get blown away. I have played it 4 times and never won. My wife has played twice and finished last in both cases.
If they like word based games, then try Braggart. A funny card game of boasting how heroic you are and calling each other a liar....

Glad to see this get some love, I was one of the original playtesters and introduced it to the publishers who picked it up.

Anyway onto suggestions:
Dixit is a fantastic game for groups that like imaginative wordplay.
Codenames is another great word based game.
My final long list:

Rocky Road a la Mode
Lost Cities Rivals
Rhino Hero
New York Slice
Word Slam Family
Just One

I also managed to pick up two suggestions for solo play:
