Moon Toad Cepheus Engine – all-new through Mon 13 May


Bundle Operator


Through Monday, May 13 we present the Moon Toad Cepheus Engine Bundle featuring Cepheus Engine SFRPG ebooks from Moon Toad Publishing.

When he devised the Cepheus Engine in 2017, Jason “Flynn” Kemp of Samardan Press adapted the rules from Mongoose Publishing’s Traveller First Edition (2008), released under the Open Game License, to help create an experience similar to the original 1977-81 Classic Traveller “little black books.” Paul Elliott of Zozer Games praises Flynn’s work: “True to the Open Content mission, he has released the game for free. That is three decades of science fiction, perfected by a generation of roleplayers, available to you without charge. That is astounding. The rules within are honed and tested, crafted and complete.”

Just as the D&D 3.0 rules released under the OGL inspired a wide range of fantasy RPGs, so the Cepheus Engine has attracted several indie publishers to release their own Cepheus variants and space settings. We presented Paul Elliott’s HOSTILE in April 2022, followed by Stellagama Cepheus that June and, in March 2023, Clement Sector 3E from Independence Games.

Now we turn to UK designer and illustrator Ian Stead. Supported by a long-running Patreon campaign, Ian and his fellow Moon Toads have produced a popular edition of the Cepheus Engine System Reference Document, followed by major rules expansions and a flotilla of fully illustrated, full-color starship guides. This bargain-priced Moon Toad Cepheus offer lets you populate your Cepheus or Traveller campaign with scout ships, Far Traders, transports, escorts, and planetary vehicles of every kind.

Pay just US$9.95 to get all five titles in our Moon Toad Collection (retail value $80) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete Cepheus Engine Core Rules, the Spacecraft Design Guide and Vehicle Design Guide, the Bounty Hunter Handbook, and the scenario Scout Base 947.

And if you pay more than the threshold (average) price, which is set at $19.95 to start, you’ll level up and also get our entire Bonus Starship Collection with twelve more titles worth an additional $85, including Class E Starports and no less than ten starship guides – Atticus Freelancer, Catino Fast Trader, Celeres Escort, Kambala Freighter, Mainstay Freighter, Quixote Scout, RAX-Type Merchant, Rivington Medium Transport, Roanoke Merchant with Raccoon Landing Craft, and Starguard System Defense Boat – as well as Ship Record Sheets for many ship designs.

This Moon Toad Cepheus Engine offer is a High Passage ticket for travellers everywhere. But it hits the jump and disappears Monday, May 13.

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