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Vile Traveller

Rune Priest
I'm thinking of running a BLUEHACK™ one-shot dungeoncrawl on Discord for voice (and video if people like), trying out Jamboard for player mapping. Would anyone or four be interested?
Okay, let me see now... my time-of-day is fairly flexible so I can accommodate players. At the moment my calendar is free of trips on the following dates (unless Mrs. Traveller drops one in my diary unexpectedly, which happens from time to time).

May: everything except 4, 5, 10.

Over to you lot! Please give me your dates and times, and we'll see if magic happens.
@Vile Traveller - sure, I can make a daytime session on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays. I'm already booked on May 10th and 26th.

We keep unusual mealtimes, so for me the ideal start time would be around 1400-1500, although that is definitely negotiable for a one-shot.
An afternoon game from 1400 would suit me well most days. I'm wandering off next week and the one after, but good after then.
Daytime would only work for me on a Sunday, and it would need to be your afternoon (which is morning for me). Sadly I’m not yet retired! So if that rules me out, so be it.
@Guvnor @First Age @Sablemage would 1400 Sunday(s) be a no-go for you? I note some of you said weekdays. Otherwise, which day is your preference for 1400? I'm fine on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Probably two or three 3-hour sessions?

BTW, if you don't have a copy of BLUEHACK™ PM me your email address and I'll send you a DTRPG coupon.

@Apocryphal I'll just have to run a game for an EST group one of these days, if we can't fit you in! :cool:
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We are now clashing with @Nathan potential Star Wars game but my availability for Sunday's at 1400 in May is: 21 and 28.
I'd prefer the weekday afternoon idea.
Let's go with the weekday thing, then. I might move to the Tavern Discord to finalise. We could also use another player, though not essential.

I promise to run something in an American timeslot one of these days.;)
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